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How to Register Symbols?

You have to register Device Address inside GP and Device/PLC as "Symbol" for reads and write each Device Data. About Register Symbol, please follow descriptions bellow.

1.Click [Symbol] Icon on the status bar.

2.Select the Device/PLC (Sheet) in which you want to register symbols.

*1"GP3000 series" is separeting sheets name, "#INTERNAL" and "PLC*".
GPs internal address register to "#INTERNAL" sheet as a Symbol. PLC address register to "PLC*" sheet as a Symbol.
*2The Symbol sheet of "GP series" is only "#INTERNAL" sheet. You have to register to "#INTERNAL" sheet When register GP2000 series, GLC series and also Device/PLC connecterd FGW.

3.The Symbol sheetis appearing. Double-clike the Red Circle area.

4.[Edit Symbol] Window is appearing. Enter Symbolize address that to be registed inside Red Circle area.
*3You can enter the number of charactor are up to 32words.
*4You cannot enter number at "Top" of Symbolize address.

5.Setting the "Data Type".

6.When you click the button of [Address], the Keypadis appearing. Enter the address as a device address to be registerd as a Symbol.

7.Click [OK] after displaying Device address at "Adress" window.

8.A Symbol was registerd.
*5You can share a registerd Symbol sheet between defferent Entry Node when you Check the box od "Set it as a global symbol sheet". Please refer to "Golbal Symbol sheet", click here

Please check totaly after registerd Symbols. If the Symbol name or Device address are duplicated, "Pro-Server EX" would not operated correctly because of Error. Please refer to"Checking registerd synbols", click here
If you want toregister device address as a Symbol name not optional Symbol name, you can click [Simbolize Address] after stting "Address" and "Data type". The Device address and "Dara Type" are regisrerd as a "Symbol Name".

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